To The Earth We Return
I got a call in the early from my Mum to say that my Dad was in pain. I asked to call the ambulance while I made my way across to Bukit Antarabangsa. The paramedics were performing CPR when I got there and Ba was no longer with us. Anita raced across next to join me.
We lifted Ba back into the house while the khariah from Masjid came to say their prayers after Suboh.
Neighbours visiting before we carry the body to the MasjidThen I went to the Police Station to file in the report and get the burial under way. 9 am and the van came to pick Ba up for the mosque. We bathed him. We perform the solat next. Said our final goodbyes. Even Irfan and Idlan were in tears. By 11 am, we were already at the burial ground.
It rained heavily after the burial
The house now seemed emptyI buried Ba next with the help of the neighbours. We read the talqin. I was numb the whole morning. It happened so suddenly. Unexpectedly.
My Uncles and relatives arrived from Penang as the burial was being performed. We then came back to Mum’s place in Bukit Antarabangsa for prayers and lunch.
I was glad that the neighbours were around to help me out and my Dad hardly suffered. It was a dignified passing, in the best of sense. We all are going to miss him ... Alfatihah.